Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf | Prayer in Gujarati Language

Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf | Gujarati Prayers List

Prathana Pothi and Dhun: School always starts with prayer. Prayer provides inner peace to the individual, giving him inner strength, zeal, and hope to move toward karma.

Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf Download
Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf Download

Prayer in the Gujarati Language

Prayer destroys frustration and negative emotions by making a person’s thoughts and desires positive.

Praying constantly helps our brain to hold on to clean thoughts and to heal our mental disorders. In fact, prayer makes us humble and invaluable, requiring each person’s nature.

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Prathana Pothi and Dhun Pdf

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TEACHERS and parents of students of the Glow ell Preparatory School in Port more, St Catherine, met Thursday for the school’s annual prayer breakfast.

The school’s founder and principal Gloria Jack, said teachers and parents meet once a year, in November, to give thanks to Almighty God, through prayers.

“We salute and celebrate you, our parents. We celebrate you because you have been chosen by the Almighty God for his heritage because children are the heritage of the Lord. Parenthood is a life-long journey; as long as you’re alive you will be parenting,” said Jack. He has a direct line, a line that never goes busy, and a line that is always working. He is a person who we can always talk with because, regardless of what we may think, He is the Almighty.”

She urged the parents to bring up their children in a proper way, and not be guided by the world, reminding them that the home is the first place where discipline should be taught

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Gujarati Prarthana Pdf

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