Gujarat PSI Exam Question Papers: Get the previous papers for the Gujarat PSI Exam for free from My School Clerk. PDF with Gujarat PSI Previous Year Question Paper is placed here. Candidates who are preparing for PSI Exam can download PSI Exam Question Paper PDF from our website. This PSI Question Paper can help the candidates to understand the structure of the exam and help them to prepare for the PSI Exam. Here you can download PSI Previous Year Question Paper in PDF format with Answer Key PSI Question Paper. Click on the blue download links to download the PDF of the Gujarat PSI exam question papers.
Gujarat PSI Exam Question Paper
Important of PSI Previous Year Question Papers
Useful for understanding in detail the format and pattern of the question paper.
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PSI Exam Question Paper 2011
Here are the question papers for the PSI examination taken in 2011. You can download the question paper by clicking on the blue download link given below.
Here are the question papers for PSI, ASI, IO, and AIO exams taken in 2017. You can download the question paper by clicking on the blue download link given below.
A preliminary examination will be conducted in an objective question paper of 100 questions. In which one mark of each question will give a total mark of 100.
The examination time will be two hours.
This question paper will cover basic questions related to general knowledge, current trends, psychology, history, geography, sociology, science as well as mental ability.
This written test will be taken in MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) and OMR (Optical Mark Reader) methods.
All questions must be answered.
Each question will also be given a “Not Attempted” option. If a candidate does not want to answer any question, then the “Not Attempted” option has to be selected.
If the “Not Attempted” option is selected, then there will be no negative marking.
One mark will be given for each correct answer. As well as a negative mark of 0.25 for each incorrect answer.
The use of white ink in OMR sheets is prohibited. If a candidate uses White Ink in the answer to a question, the answer will be considered wrong and negative marks will be given.
If the candidate has not chosen an option, then 0.25 marks will be considered negative.
The medium of preliminary examination will be Gujarati.
The minimum qualification for passing the Preliminary Examination will be 40%.
All the candidates who got 50% marks in the Preliminary Examination or Category wise 3 (three) times the number of vacancies on the basis of merit, whichever is less, will be called for the Main Exam.
Main Exam
Four question papers will be examined in MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) and OMR (Optical Mark Reader) methods. Which will be as follows.
Question Paper-1
Gujarati language Total – 100 marks Time 2 hours
Question Paper-2
English language Total -100 marks Time 2 hours
Question Paper-3
General Knowledge Total -100 Marks Time 2 hours
Question Paper-4
Legal Matters Total Marks -100 Time- 2 hours
Main Exam
PSI Exam Syllabus
Question Paper-1
Gujarati (Questions will include grammar, verbal ability, idioms, vocabulary, comprehension etc.)
Question Paper-2
English (Questions shall be the objective type which shall include Grammar, Verbal aptitude, Vocabulary, Idioms, Comprehension etc.)
Question Paper-3
General knowledge (current trends and commuter knowledge and psychological matters)
Must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or a degree from a legally recognized institution or a degree from a deemed university under section 3 of the Uni.
Physical Standards
For Male Candidates
Height (cm)
Without chest bloating
Chest inflated
For candidates of Scheduled Tribes of Native Gujarat
For all except Scheduled Caste candidates
For Male Candidates
Chest spread should be at least 5 cm. Is bound to happen.
For Women Candidates
Height (cm)
For candidates of Scheduled Tribes of Native Gujarat
For all except Scheduled Caste candidates
For Women Candidates
Physical Ability Test
5000m Race
The race must be completed in a maximum of 25 minutes
1600m Race
The race must be completed in a maximum of 9 minutes 30 seconds
2400m Race
The race must be completed in a maximum of 12 minutes and 30 seconds.
Physical Ability Test
PSI Exam Preparation Book
Nishant Parmar
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